Friday, January 9, 2009


Have you ever danced to music and started sweating? You had fun, right? Well, I have recently discovered Zumba, and that's exactly what it is....dancing around like it's nobody's business.

You know you are working out, but you have a lot of fun doing it. My Mom, Aunt, Cousin/Sister, and I have been working out regularly, and we go to Zumba on Wednesdays. I love it! We have learned some new dance moves and you sweat your butt off....literally. I can't say that I have lost any weight yet because I have only been twice (and I don't like getting on scales), but I really enjoy it. If you want to find out more about it or see if there are any classes near you, just go to And if there aren't any classes where you are, you can buy a DVD. I highly recommend it!

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